Thursday, November 13, 2008

Need to slooooooow down.....

Trying to get the little things done in Dad's room that didn't get finished after we moved him in. He had the flu and I had a fever so things just were left hanging in mid air. Uncle Milt and Aunt Betty Ubbink were here from Sunday to Wednesday morning. The three of us were able to get a N scale train layout done for Dad's room. We moved things around so he could have it by the window. Not room for much else. Because of the way Dad had the track laid out, the train kept uncoupling. He called and said that the engine had come uncoupled and whizzed around broad-siding the rest of the train on the circle 8 track. He said there was a huge derailment. So I am taking up the job of redoing the track. So when I get done I will have to post another picture to see the progression. I have the track removed and am building a mountain landscape on the far side. 
Dad thinks I'm having too much fun.  

Snowflakes have fallen in Creston, Iowa. But not piled up. I am not ready for this colder weather. I don't like wearing heavy coats, but WANT to it I'm freezing.

Picture was taken by Uncle Milt. 

Happy Anniversary, Larry. Tomorrow is 38 years!

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