Sunday, March 29, 2009

First day of the week....

Good service this morning. Got to talk to South Africa, to a teacher that is there short-term. The whole church talked for over an hour through the computer. They were able to put her up on the screen and have the camera on Pastor, who was coordinating the whole thing. Years ago, we would get an Aerogram, send it, 4 weeks later the missionary would get it, they would write back and 4 weeks later we would get the answer. Wow. Technology. 

Had 7 out the the Bible Study at Prairie View Assisted Living. Then went to visit Dad. Took Wilma along. Trying to get Dad's train to work properly. Purchased a new engine, but I seriously think the problem may lay in the track. Oh Boy, that means I have to pull the track out and lay down new. I've been waiting to find out, cause I don't want to finish the scenery and have to attack the track after all is done. It is a figure 8 that goes over and under. Not sure if the incline is too great, although I've followed the guidelines in pulling the supports in. Maybe I should take a car or two out of the line up. Maybe it's too many cars to pull. Well can't do anything this week. Will have to be manana, next week.

About time for the evening service, so best be getting ready.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

God answers prayer...

He tests our faith while He's doing it.

Just Silks Flower Shoppe

Has a brand new website. 

It was a bunch of work, but I have the Lord and Joel to thank. I finally have it uploaded.

As I say in my website...
"Come see what's blooming!"

Catch up day.

Well today is catch up day. Have some errands to do for Dad, the flower shop, and a missionary prayer letter to work on. There there is always the house and book work for the businesses. 

It  is starting out to be a cold day here in beautiful downtown Creston, Iowa, with the forecast of snow, sleet, rain, and ice for the next couple of days.

Psalm 136 today -- God is good and His wonders are great and His mercy endures FOREVER. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Busy Days

The days just seem to march on with no slowing down. I am so privileged to care for Wesley on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I've given you some snapshots of this precious one, so you may enjoy him a bit also. He will be one year old next week.

During spring break last week, I completed the 10 reception arrangements for my October wedding. I worked over at Dad's house for 1 day. Got quite a bit accomplished in the upstairs. 

We had lovely weather last week and then came back to reality of March in Iowa. Monday night there was a tornado that passed through about 50 miles to the northwest of Creston. We had 60 mph winds that swept over us with buckets and buckets of rain that came down. 

Gits Mfg. has had to lay off people several times. Praise the Lord that Larry is still working. They said that they had the team in place right now to carry them on into the future. We are so thankful.

Dad seems to be doing well. I am trying to get him to focus on what the Lord will do in his life and not what He hasn't done. Tough thing for anyone. Sitting in a room by oneself all day, I'm sure that the mind just thinks on what has happened. I am praying that I can get him to search out bits of blessing and praise along the way.

Well, I hear Wesley in his toys so I'd better check on him. He and Benny can get into things they shouldn't so quickly.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bonus Day!

This is Thursday and I have Wesley. Today is conferences, Amber has layrengitus (oh forget the spelling. If you can't spell it how can you find it in the dictionary?), and the other sitters had sick ones at home. So Grandmum and WOW will be snuggling bunches today.

Had great meetings with Morris Gleiser from Sunday to last night. Spoke on prayer, spirit controlled life, and White Throne Judgement. At least 4 made professions of faith for salvation.

Have the bridal bouquet for July done and delivered. They gave me some more flowers to do. 

Spring break is next week so Amber will be home and so will Wesley. Hoping that I can get a long way on the the October Wedding. 

Wesley is walking away with the only working phone in the house, so I best find out where it is so I won't be frantic with it rings.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

8 degrees in Creston

Bright sun and cold wind in the freezer. This freezer really needs to be defrosted, I think.
Doesn't look much better for the next few days.

Glad that God is in charge of the weather.

Monday, March 9, 2009

God gave us a gray day on the outside...

But back of the grayness the Sun is always shining. I am rejoicing cause I can squeeze a little man. He was huggy and sleepy this morning. 

Time change in the Spring just doesn't agree with me. Wesley is sleeping. I'm going to snuggle down with a heating pad and quality control my Lazy Boy chair. Make sure it is still okay and working. :-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

It wasn't dry... the basement, that is...

There is a clog in the underground tile that runs from the eaves to the street. We found that all the water from the roof was bubbling underground at the corner of the house where the front downspout was attached to the tile. Pulled out the downspouts, rigged them to drain out the the street on top of the ground. Rained all night. Dry basement. Praising the Lord!

 Now praying that the temps will stay above freezing. Could make for interesting snow fall if the temp plummets.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ah...Spring in Iowa......

the loud cracks of thunder, the splashes of light fleeting across the sky, and the sound of raining cats and dogs on the roof. Haven't check the basement to see if it is dry.  

A new day filled with God's mercies.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Vanilla Delight by JDWires Photography

Flower design by Just Silks

Iowa Creeping Crud

Finally think that we are over the "stuff." Still have a cough now and then, and feel like I've had the stuffings knocked out of me, but on the mend. 

Beautiful days here in lovely Creston, Iowa. Yesterday the temp, in the sun, was 84. 

Have a wedding tonight. The one for which I created the floral designs.  Here is a photo that I had Joel take of the bridal boka. Everyone that saw it so far has said they feel like they can't look at it a long time because it must go back into the cooler to keep it fresh. God is so good. I praise Him for giving me the ability.

Today I must create a hand grip/rest for Dad's walker. He is unsatisfied with the one he has know. Pray I will be able to manufacture something that will fit his wants, needs, and still be functional.

Psalms 125 was where I am in devos. Great to remember that God surrounds me like the mountains around Jerusalem. Those mountains have been there since David was a wee lad and they still are there. What Security and Stability.

Having trouble downloading the photo. Later--