Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday night rain

The rain came softly and gently this time around. There is a very fine mist coming down right now.

Funny thing. To get ready to go for a rest somewhere, you're already tired, but you run around getting things ready so you're doubly tired. Hmmm.... somethin's not quite right with that scenario.

Here is something that I have been working on for a bride of mine. The arrangement is 5.5 feet high. 

A lazy day here today. Have a few more flower arrangements to get done and some house cleaning. So best get busy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Very long day...

Have to see my allergy doctor once a year, so today was the day. Went with a returning missionary from Brazil. Left at 10ish and home by 8 p.m. Wend to Ankeny to drop off some books at FBBC Bookstore, to lunch with Melissa, to Goodwill & Salvation Army, and then on to Des Moines. Visited a Disabled Veterans thrift store (not a place that will need to be gone to again), to the health food store, Allergy Doctor, a really neat 2nd hand clothing/furniture/gift store, Sam's Club & WalMart, Burger King, Home Depot, Marshalls, World Market, and home. 

Got good report from the doctor. Said that he knew why I had had a sinus headache for 3 days as the right sinuses were inflamed. Said I was in good shape. Said to keep irrigating the sinuses, taking the low-dose antihistamine, and the shots. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First day of teacher in-service

Here's a few pictures from today.

Grandmom went on duty at 7:30 a.m. today. Wesley and Grandmom got along just fine. We managed to get all the things done at the right time. Caring for Wesley made Grandmom slow down a bit and just cuddle the guy.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I had Wesley today!

Oh such a bundle of life. He is so alert and just looks around so much. Helped me turn the pages of a book I was reading to him. Amber says that he wants to feed himself the cereal also. Quite a bright little 4 month old. After all, whose grandson is he? :-)

Mom's Chop Shop is to be in business tonight. It was going on Saturday night also.

God is faithful even when things don't seem to be going well. All we have to do is look back and ruminate on what HE has done for us in the past.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Wow! The day started bright and early. I let Larry sleep until he woke up. He then went into work for awhile. I worked on getting the back bedroom, Joel's, ready to be "Grandmom's Room." Wesley Patrol begins on Wednesday. 

God is so good all the time, even about little things. Before I knew that I was to be a Grandmom, I bought a Graco Pack and Play at a garage sale, giving the ridiculous amount of $7.50. After seeing Wesley's pack and play, I realized that mine was missing the changing table part. I was at one of the rummage stores in town on Friday, as I went in I noticed something lying on the ground. When I came out I went over to investigate. It looked like a changing table and the brand name on it was Graco. I took it in, asked the gal what the price was, and left with it but without paying anything for it. Brought it home and IT FITS! 

Along with the change table thingie, I sanitized several other purchases that I've made. Good old Shaklee's Basic G. It will choke any germs, crud, and grime that comes near. 

After Joel and I gathered up the soaker hoses in the back, throwing them in a heap so the lawn could be mowed, I realized that I had a mess -- something akin to Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch's coat hanger collection. All the hoses were intertwined and knotted. Took me forever to get them untangled and hooked back up so that I can continue watering the new grass. The back is looking good. There is one place that will have to be tweaked and when the new roof is put on, the eaves will have to have some attention. 

Have a blessed Lord's Day.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Self portrait

Our son looks quite handsome and formidable.
New Sheriff in town?

This is For Grandma Wires....

and anybody else. Andy & Melissa sent me pictures of their front flower beds. Thought I would post them here rather than send them via e-mail. You should be able to double click on the picture and have them enlarge. Check April 28's  (Photos of the week) post for a wide view of the front and side patio.

More pictures

The little chorus goes--"Oh who can make a flower, I'm sure I can't can you? Oh who can make a flower, No one but God, 'tis true."
These are in my back yard. I see that the rabbits and bugs have done some nibbling.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Well, here it is again!

Sunday morning the water censor in the basement started singing merrily. Larry's shower water had come back through the pipe and out the drain in the floor by the sump pump. I had been hearing the sounds of cloggediness in the drains for about 3 weeks. There is a partial collapse in the sewer pipe 30 feet down from the cleanout drain in the yard. Of course, it isn't on city property and runs across the neighbor's yard. In that partial collapse, tree roots love to get in and get the moisture in there. Larry bought a metal sewer rod, spending all evening trying his best to get the thing cleaned out. (our heat index was over 100º yesterday.) So this morning he called the sewer sucking service to get the clog cleaned out. They haven't come as yet. 
Bathroom detail has been interesting. Joel's place, the church, and Dad's apartment are all within minutes of the house.
The humidity is still very high today, though it is 8 or 9º cooler than yesterday. So thankful for that.
This morning Dad had a regular check up. The doctor changed his BP meds because the BP numbers were creeping higher. The doctor was pleased with the results. Now the new medicine can cause problems with kidney function so he is checking that out. Dad's function is not great as it is. God knows all about that too.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Whew! and swipe the sweat off as I go.

Garage sale business was very slow today, but the total sale was great. Between the stuff at Joel's house of Dad's and what I had in our garage, we got rid of 1 long, very heavy sofa bed, 2 stereos that were 5' long, many, many, many items to numerous to mention, but I'll try. Some clothes, long johns, Tupperware, shoelaces, grab bags of fabric, and my mind just went blank. 

Had one family come yesterday and picked up little things here and there. They left with 5 large bags of stuff and I had 2 twenty dollar bills in my hand. 

Didn't have the late comers around noon today. Guess it was too hot. 
I am refusing to cook tonight. We have most of the stuff put away in the garage, but still have to pull the blue tarp down and fold it up.

Iowa will be very hot for the next few days and for the start of the great Iowa State Fair. Don't think we'll make it this year. Still hoping to be in Michigan over Labor Day. Not sure of all the plans yet. 

I think I have my flowers in for the two wedding that I have for July and October of next year. Must get to working on preliminary designs for those gals.

Well, think dinner is gonna be Pizza Ranch pizza tonight. A no-no for me but I can get away with it once in a while.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Garage Sale Day!

Ha!  Haven't been to one garage sale today. Not by choice. There's some good ones out there, but I am babysitting my own garage sale today and tomorrow. Sweating, fan blowing on me, and my hair do from yesterday's visit to the beauty shop has gone flat. 

It is so very hot here and the humidity is right up there. Thankfully there is a breeze blowing. Monday is to be 97 degrees. Dad wanted to come over to the garage sale. I wasn't sure how that would work. He came and went by the Trolley. It worked out just fine. He was here about an hour. The heat wasn't up so hot around 10:30 a.m. 

Stuff in leaving and I am praising the Lord for that. I pray that all will be gone by 1 pm tomorrow. 

My new friend, Michelle, has been here with me all day. She helped me set up this morning. Couldn't have done it without her. Our hubbies will be back after work to have BBQ pork sandwiches.

 Well the garage sale lull is over and people are coming.