Saturday, August 2, 2008

Whew! and swipe the sweat off as I go.

Garage sale business was very slow today, but the total sale was great. Between the stuff at Joel's house of Dad's and what I had in our garage, we got rid of 1 long, very heavy sofa bed, 2 stereos that were 5' long, many, many, many items to numerous to mention, but I'll try. Some clothes, long johns, Tupperware, shoelaces, grab bags of fabric, and my mind just went blank. 

Had one family come yesterday and picked up little things here and there. They left with 5 large bags of stuff and I had 2 twenty dollar bills in my hand. 

Didn't have the late comers around noon today. Guess it was too hot. 
I am refusing to cook tonight. We have most of the stuff put away in the garage, but still have to pull the blue tarp down and fold it up.

Iowa will be very hot for the next few days and for the start of the great Iowa State Fair. Don't think we'll make it this year. Still hoping to be in Michigan over Labor Day. Not sure of all the plans yet. 

I think I have my flowers in for the two wedding that I have for July and October of next year. Must get to working on preliminary designs for those gals.

Well, think dinner is gonna be Pizza Ranch pizza tonight. A no-no for me but I can get away with it once in a while.

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