Sunday, December 7, 2008

Afton Craft Extravaganza

6 a.m. is too early to be moving around and eating breakfast. Was about 19 degrees and a good, stiff wind blowing. Let the house late, but tried not to let it bother me, I prayed that I would get set up by 9. Well Larry and I had our van and Dad's van full, but not stuffed. The spot was smaller than I had anticipated. There were probably 60 other vendors there and the people came. First day of deer hunting so lots of women, but some guys showed up also. 

For the $20 I paid for the space, I handed out 200 business cards, people were introduced to me, saw what I am capable of doing, and had a reminder to put somewhere, hopefully to pull out at a later date. God allowed me to pay for the space and then some. I was concerned that if I sold a "bunch" at the craft show, I would have to work really hard to get things ready for some open shop hours on this Friday and Saturday. Friday 4-6 and Saturday 10-1.

Today we are both tired. Larry has Deacon's meeting and I must leave for the Bible study at assisted living. Tomorrow Amber and I take Wilma to the airport and then do some shopping.

Tuesday night is the leadership dinner, as deaconess I have the privilege of taking appetizers. Wednesday night is prayer meetings. Thursday night is Circle Christmas party. Friday and Saturday are in the Flower shop, and then I have 4 missionary letters to get out this week. 

The merry-go-round is going too fast.

God is good. He has given me strength to carry on thus far. I am trying to have at least 2 hours down time during the lunch hour.

Trust that your week will be great and grand in the love of the Lord.

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