Wow! The day started bright and early. I let Larry sleep until he woke up. He then went into work for awhile. I worked on getting the back bedroom, Joel's, ready to be "Grandmom's Room." Wesley Patrol begins on Wednesday.
God is so good all the time, even about little things. Before I knew that I was to be a Grandmom, I bought a Graco Pack and Play at a garage sale, giving the ridiculous amount of $7.50. After seeing Wesley's pack and play, I realized that mine was missing the changing table part. I was at one of the rummage stores in town on Friday, as I went in I noticed something lying on the ground. When I came out I went over to investigate. It looked like a changing table and the brand name on it was Graco. I took it in, asked the gal what the price was, and left with it but without paying anything for it. Brought it home and IT FITS!
Along with the change table thingie, I sanitized several other purchases that I've made. Good old Shaklee's Basic G. It will choke any germs, crud, and grime that comes near.
After Joel and I gathered up the soaker hoses in the back, throwing them in a heap so the lawn could be mowed, I realized that I had a mess -- something akin to Sesame Street's Oscar the Grouch's coat hanger collection. All the hoses were intertwined and knotted. Took me forever to get them untangled and hooked back up so that I can continue watering the new grass. The back is looking good. There is one place that will have to be tweaked and when the new roof is put on, the eaves will have to have some attention.
Have a blessed Lord's Day.