The Lord must have Wednesday night designated as the night for rain to begin here in Creston. It is garbage night also, but I'm sure that that isn't His priority. The roof over our bedroom just has the tar paper on it, and I was sure I was going to wake up to Chinese water torture, but God didn't allow that to happen. We are watching two storm systems that are to the West and South of us. The front half of the main part of the house still has old shingles on it. Dean wants to make sure that he can get the shingles off and the paper back on before rain would set in.
Been trying to get my house back into some semblance of order in between all the other things that are calling to me. Monday - clean bathroom, Tuesday - vacuum, etc. Well I did pretty well this week. Hope that I can keep it up. I do not like to be tied to a schedule, but that's the only way I can get things done.
Need to get some work done in the flower shop as I as to attend a Craft Show in Greenfield on October 4. Have to remember where I am, because when I was in Michigan, my uncle called on the c-phone and asked where we were, I told him Greenfield, "Where?" then I remembered Greenfield is Iowa, Greenville is Michigan.
Still traveling through Warren Wiersbe's meditations in Psalms. Yesterday it was that when things are tough, hard, stressful, and overwhelming we forget what God has done for us. Just as the Israelites forget how God LED them to safety. It's good to remember that God doesn't PUSH us through situations, He leads His dear children along.
Had a wonderful evening with my friend and classmate. We went from eighth grade through 12th grade together. Jo and her hubby, Gary Schulz, live in Midland. Then came to Bay City, 20 miles, to go to Bob Evans' restaurant with us. Neither of us are going to be able to go to our 40th class reunion next week, so we got together ourselves. Was a nicer atmosphere. They are busy in their church and working for the Lord.
We stopped at the South Haven light house on the way back. Asked someone to snap a photo and he surely did. Asked us to say "cheese" and must have clicked it just as I said it. I've never had such a "cheesey" smile in my life, no pun intended.
Have a great day, it is a good day because God created it for us.