Friday, September 19, 2008

Balloons are in town! & Wesley on Tuesday

This is the weekend for the SW Iowa Balloon Races. The Hare and Hound drop place was just a block to the south of us in the old school track. We sat and watched the balloons drift over. Quite a site. 

Faith had Homecoming Weekend so the kids were busy. Andy had charge of some of the goings-on there. The other set of kids went up for the banquet. 

Hit some garage sales this weekend. Nothing too grand to report. Just a lovely day out. Looking forward to the Balloon Parade in the morning and hoping to see the balloons go up at night again.

Summer has come to an end so quickly. It seems that the days have just flown. Not sure that I'm ready for the cold weather. Almanac says that we are to have a record "burrrrrrry" time of it. Not sure what can top the ice, snow, and floods of '08. Don't really want to find out.

Have a great weekend. 

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