Dad called today and said that he had succumbed to the flu that is traveling around Crest Haven care center. Oh dear. Well at least I don't have that "kind" of flu.
Friday, October 31, 2008
101.1 degrees
Wow! That's hot and it makes your knee caps ache. Don't know what got into me, but something did. On Antibiotic, feeling better, but not up to par.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
All seems well on the WESTERN front...
Wesley seems a bit on the sober side in this photo. Monday morning Joel and Amber brought him over to stay at Grandmom's for the morning. Both Wesley and Joel had on their leather coats. It was pretty "crisp" that morning and you could see your breath.
Half of the nursing home is down with the flu. Good old fashion type that cleans you out from top to bottom. They have a sign posted on the doors. Dad wanted some of his "potions" of elderberry, so I went to give him some as the doctor couldn't be reached to approve all the stuff that he takes as alternative supplements. I really lathered up on the Handcleaner when I left. Still feel polluted. Dad wanted his door kept closed so as not to get he germs in his room or the smells.
My heart tugs so, when I think of him being there, but I know that this is where God has him for right now. I am so glad that Someone is in control of things. It's best, cause He can see beyond today. Can hear Bev Shea singing that,
"If we could see beyond today, as God can see, If all the clouds were rolled away, the shadows flee, O'er present grief's we would not fret, Each sorrow we would so forget, For many joys are waiting yet for you and me.
If we could know beyond today as God doth know, Why dearest treasures pass away, and tears must flow, And why the darkness leads to light, why dreary days will soon grow bright, some day life's wrong will be made right, Faith tells us so.
If we could see, if we could know we often say, But God in love a veil does throw across our way. We cannot see what lies before, and so we cling to Him the more, He leads us till this life is o'er, Trust and obey." by Norman J Clayton
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wery Windy Weather

Saturday was a very emotional day of moving. Dad is now in his new room at Crest Haven Care Center. His room is much smaller than his lovely room at the assisted living. He left a family of friends there, but hopefully he will make new friends. The problem with a nursing home is that there aren't many people that can carry on a good conversation. Most of them don't even know where their room is or their name.
He spent his first night there. The man from our church that was to lead the church service was unable to get there so the Home asked Dad to lead the service. He was needed. He did wake up to not having any shoes, though. Someone walked off with them. Oh, dear me. Such is life in a nursing home. Hope God takes me home before I need one.
God's strength is what I went on yesterday. We started getting Dad in the van at 1 p.m. and we got back in the van to go home at 6:30 p.m. Everything was either moved into the room, into our garage, or still in a vehicle somewhere on Maple Street or on Elm Street. There is Tomorrow.
Wery windy weather. Sixty-eight miles per hour "wooshing" down trees and power lines to the north of us. Glad we had some of Dad's trees taken down this summer.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm in denial about the weather. I am not willing to get the temperature in the house up over 68 degrees. And for me 68 degrees is feeling chilly.
Got another 24, 11 ounce containers of applesauce and have another batch all cooked up and ready to go through the sauce machine.
Took care of Wesley yesterday and he is coming today. Mom Amber is going to Des Moines to help her sister celebrate her birthday. Larry has is Japan call tonight, so Joel, Wesley, and I are going to see Dad for a 6 month 4 generation picture. Hope we get some good ones. Will share.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A TuesWednesday Rain
There is 2 plus inches in the rain gauge, but the basement seems dry. Oh I am so thankful. Our friend, Wally Miller, has been reworking the lay-of-the-land in the back yard just finished installing window well covers and Larry cleaned out the eaves. It is so wonderful not to see "wetness" in the flower shop.
Sorry, I seem so excited, but it is a big thing to me after mopping up water since February. Hmmmmm...... 3 major inflows and 5 or 6 minor one.
Dad has a pneumatic chair lifter that is portable. You can change the setting by the weight of the person. He has lost 17 pounds and I haven't adjusted the setting. Didn't even think about it. He has also lost a lot of strength also. Yesterday he was tooling along, shifted his weight, and "whooshie" he was propelled onto the floor on his back. As far as I know, God has again allowed no bones to be broken.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More flowers

This is a bouquet that was ordered 7 days ago. In and around everything that I've done in the past week, the Lord allowed me to put this together. I DO thank Him for His help.
Continue to pray as I make very important decisions about Dad's future care. Some decisions have been made, but can't say too much at this time. The Lord knows those things.
Larry and I walked in the rain last night. We both needed to get out. By the time we got home, the sky was clearing and the moon was peeking out from behind the clouds.
We then processed applesauce. Packaged up 22, 11 oz. containers.
Off to Bible Study this morning.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Just Silks
This picture is of the 5' arrangement that I am doing for a bride for October, 2009. She was here on the weekend and gave her okay to it. I have posted other shots of this, but had it all done up in a place setting, so thought that you would enjoy seeing it.
This picture is of my booth at the craft show 2 weekends ago.
These are pictures of Wesley last Thursday.
Roller Coaster Ride
Dad has had several falls, and now has 30 days to get things ready to go back to a nursing home. His ability to function in an assisted living environment is very limited at this time. I dread putting him back into a nursing home simply because in that setting, there are limited people with whom he can converse. I would appreciate your prayers.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Praise the Lord!
Phone rang at 5:13 a.m. Dad had fallen again. Praise the Lord that no broken bones. Just bruises and lame muscles. Please pray with me about Dad's situation. Do not know what faces us in the next few days. Clinging to the promise that God's faithfulness doesn't change.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hair Cuts
Last night was time for hair cuts. I cut Joel's while Amber cut Wesley's. He didn't like the buzzzzzzzing of the clippers. Later on I cut Larry's hair. I still have Dad's to do.
Wednesday night rain pattern.....
"I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, with my mouth I will make know Thy faithfulness to all generations." Psalm 89
God's been faithful before so He will continue to be faithful today, tomorrow, and beyond. He gives us new mercies every morning, and daily loadeth us with benefits.
My dear friends moved Monday. Lonely here without them, but know that they are were God wants them. They unload their belongings into their new home in Pennsylvania.
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