Wednesday, October 29, 2008

All seems well on the WESTERN front...

Wesley seems a bit on the sober side in this photo. Monday morning Joel and Amber brought him over to stay at Grandmom's for the morning. Both Wesley and Joel had on their leather coats. It was pretty "crisp" that morning and you could see your breath.

Half of the nursing home is down with the flu. Good old fashion type that cleans you out from top to bottom. They have a sign posted on the doors. Dad wanted some of his "potions" of elderberry, so I went to give him some as the doctor couldn't be reached to approve all the stuff that he takes as alternative supplements. I really lathered up on the Handcleaner when I left. Still feel polluted. Dad wanted his door kept closed so as not to get he germs in his room or the smells.

My heart tugs so, when I think of him being there, but I know that this is where God has him for right now. I am so glad that Someone is in control of things. It's best, cause He can see beyond today. Can hear Bev Shea singing that, 

"If we could see beyond today, as God can see, If all the clouds were rolled away, the shadows flee,  O'er present grief's we would not fret, Each sorrow we would so forget, For many joys are waiting yet for you and me. 

If we could know beyond today as God doth know, Why dearest treasures pass away, and tears must flow, And why the darkness leads to light, why dreary days will soon grow bright, some day life's wrong will be made right, Faith tells us so.

If we could see, if we could know we often say, But God in love a veil does throw across our way. We cannot see what lies before, and so we cling to Him the more, He leads us till this life is o'er, Trust and obey."  by Norman J Clayton

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