Monday, January 5, 2009

Boy am I boiling....

water that is. I think I have my emotions under control. The DNR issued a Boil Alert last Monday. Over the weekend ago, the filtration systems failed and there are little Germanies and "cites" in the water, so we have been boiling the water. This morning Larry sent me an update, and evidently they have not gotten the system totally back online. So I'm still boiling. That means all water used for preparation and cooking, brushing teeth, and drinking must be boiled for 1 full minute. Oh, I could go buy bottled water, but if boiling it will do the trick why spend money on the stuff in the plastic bottles. 

Started my new job this morning. I am first officer in charge of Wesley Patrol. I excitedly am beginning this 3 days a week. Amber started teaching at Mayflower Christian School today, so Joel drops Wesley off before he goes to work. Thursday and Friday are my days off so 2 other gals from church are caring for this precious little guy. It will be different not having the freedom to just do as I have been used to. But right now I WANT to care for for my grandson that God has given. 


What my mouth speaks, my ears hear, my brain registers, and my body responds.

So if I think I'm 30 years old and tell myself that I am, then my body "should" respond accordingly. 

This thot came from Dr. Charles Stanley's sermon yesterday on "How to stay young and fruitful all your life, from Psalm 92:12-15

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