Well, the sun is shining and it is supposed to be warm out. I'll have to check later. Wesley and I emptied the dish washer and then emptied the refrigerator, wiped it out, and put the stuff back in. He is a good helper. He loves to type on the computers. I have a "dummy" keyboard that on which he pretends to type. Right now he is laying on it typing with his tongue. The other day he pressed some keys and I couldn't get my desktop icons to move. This was something that even his Daddy couldn't help me with. I finally Googled it and found where I could change a stetting. He reminds me of Joel. Just has to know how things work and how they are put together.
God puts that into that little brain that grows and those instincts grow with them.
Got the downspouts jerry-rigged so that the rain shouldn't (notice I say SHOULDN'T) come in the basement.
Getting to be lunch time.
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