Sunday, June 8, 2008

Kinda dusty out, so need some rain! Right!

God set his Rainbow in the sky as a promise of no universal flooding. I holding on to that promise very tightly. It started raining about 3 p.m. today and in an hour and a half we have received 2 inches of liquid stuff. 

Just had the basement sorta dry. I haven't looked down there in the last few minutes, but I assume that before the night is over, the wet vacs will be humming again.

Never a dull moment. Friday afternoon was able to get the things in the garage up, so that the air from the fans could circulate underneath the things there. I filled what shelves were completed with the plastic tubs. Oh so wonderful to have so much disappear from the center of the garage. Now I hope that I can have the time to go through the tubs and weed out "stuff." 

Charles Stanley was preaching this morning. Caught just a bit of what he had to say. "Grace assures us that God is in control and set limits on what we can bear."

Oh boy the rain is really coming down right now. 

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