Happy Thursday to you!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sumpthin' about Wednesdays
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Psalm 61 and Chirpy the Bird
Chirpy, the parakeet, never saw it coming. One second he was peacefully perched in his cage. The next he was sucked in, washed, up, and blown over.
The problems began when Chirpy's owner decided to clean Chripy's cage with a vacuum cleaner. She removed the attachment from the end of the hose and stuck it in the cage. The phone rang, and she turned to pick it up. She'd barely said "Hello!" when "ssssop!" Chirpy got sucked in.
The bird owner gasped, put down the phone, turned off the vacuum, and opened the bag. There was Chirpy, sill alive, but stunned. Since the bird was covered with dust and soot, she grabbed him and raced to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and held Chirpy under the running water. Then, realizing that Chirpy was soaked and shivering, she did what any compassionate bird owner would do............
She reached for the hair dryer and blasted the pet with hot air. Poor Chirpy never knew what hit him.
A few days after the trauma, the reporter who'd initially written about the event contacted Chripy's owner to see how the bird was recovering. "Well," she replied, "Chirpy doesn't sing much anymore–he just sits and stares."
It's hard not to see why. Sucked in, washed up, and blown over.........
That's enough to steal the song from the stoutest heart.
End of story.
In Psalm 61, David asked for help when his heart was faint. In verse 4 he was abiding in God's tent and trusting in the shelter of God's wings. Then in verse 8, David was rejoicing because God heard his cry when he was faint.
In Wiersbe's book on Psalms - I am reminded that God didn't intend for us to "throw in the towel." God is always listening, always with me, won't forsake me, whatever my circumstances. If I can't rejoice in the circumstances, I can rejoice in God's protection.
Warm, warm, humid days of summer in Iowa. Makes the corn grow. The humidity sorta left last night. Not sure what it is like today. The forecast is for calmer weather. Andy & Melissa were awakened by me early Monday morning when I couldn't sleep. I turned on the TV and saw this storm that had a tornado in it barreling down on Ankeny. I called them. They did say that they were glad, because they wouldn't have heard the sirens. Though they had electricity, the other half of Ankeny was without for several hours.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Happy Birthday, Larry!
There was heavy dew and fog this morning. Got up early and saw the photo opportunity. There a few of those. Don't know if the picture is large enough or if you can double click on each picture, but the last one has dew dripping off the edge of one of the petals. The next one up has droplets on the petal toward the bottom.
Didn't even go to garage sales today. Busy doing other things. Going to have a few friends over tonight for a cook out and DQ ice cream cake.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
This comes from Our Daily Bread 11/12/03 (condensed mew version)
Matt. 19:13-15
Statement by young mother "I wish I could wrap my children in bubble wrap to protect them from the big, bad world outside."
Author Stormie Omartian understands how that mother feels. In her book, The Power of a Praying Parent, she writes, "One day I cried out to God, saying, 'Lord, this is too much for me. I can't keep a 24-hour -a-day, moment-by-moment watch on my son. How can I ever have peace?'"
God responded by leading Stormie and her husband to become praying parents. They began to intercede for their son daily, mentioning the details of his life in prayer.
The desire to wrap our children in bubble wrap to protect them is rooted in fear, a common tendency, especially among mothers. Wrapping them in prayer, as Jesus did, is a powerful alternative. He cares more about our children than we do, so we can release them into His hands by praying for them. He doesn't promise us that nothing bad will happen to them. But as we pray, He will give us the peace we long for (Phil. 4:6-7).
This challenge is for all parents--even those whose children have grown up. Don't ever stop wrapping your children in prayer! by Jonie Yoder
If we but take the time to pray, and seek God's guidance every day, He'll give us strength and wisdom too, to help our child grow strong and true. Garka
Each child needs a praying parent.
So when I e-mail my kids, I always sign the letter at the bottom, wuip iloveyou
With that in mind, I ask God to help me take the time to wrap them in prayer.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Acrobat in the family!
While Joel, Amber, and Wesley were at Dad's last night, Wesley rolled over. Dad said he did it with such ease. Dad said that when he got on his tummy, he lifted his head up and just looked around. Wesley is just 3 months and 16 days. He sure is cuddley.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Banana Split Party
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Beautiful Saturday Morning
It is cool and crisp outside. Sixty-six degrees right now. I was out setting the sprinklers on the new, growing grass and heard the robins and cardinals singing. Awesome symphony. God is so good to give us those things.
Andy and Melissa are on their way to Creston-town. Garage "saling" is the order of the morning. Then We will be on Wesley Patrol while Joel and Amber golf. Then we are taking supper in to Prairie View for a celebration of Dad's birthday. Tomorrow will be the Banana Split Party with I hope a goodly number of friends being able to attend.
Psalm 57 talks about David's concert in a cave. He wrote the "song" when he was escaping Saul. He praised God when circumstances were not in his favor, he was under siege. He knew that God would protect him and intervene for him. David was concerned about God's Glory in the situation, not his own glory. He praised the Lord for His care. So that's what I have in mind today.
Have a great day in the Lord!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Good report!
Praise the Lord that Dad got a good report from the Therapist. There has been a big improvement in his ability to get around. It still is slow and hurts his shoulder, but he is moving better and not requiring as much of the help's time. He will be getting a new rollator walker next week. I pray that this will help him walk. Pray that he will adjust to it and be willing to have assistance in the first couple of weeks while he is getting used to it.
It is Wednesday again - must be why there are storm clouds in the sky. Hmmm.....
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Green Straw?

Yup! The yellow straw is turning green! In case you think I have lost my brain, I'll tell you that there are fine, hair-like blades of grass popping up all over the yard. I hope that it keeps up during the summer.
This picture is so cute of Wesley and Joel. It was taken in the park during the Talent Contest.
Going to do one of my favorite things--go to the rummage store. Taking a newcomer and showing her the "finer" things to do in Creston. :-)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Burdens and the Elevator...
This morning I read in Wiersbe's "Walk through the Psalms," "If we try to give Him our burdens without giving Him ourselves, He really can't help us. It's like stepping onto an elevator with many heavy packages and failing to put them down on the floor until you reach your destination. Le the elevator carry both you and your packages...Giving your burden to God is an act of faith. But giving yourself to Him and letting Him use that burden to help you grow is taking an extra step of faith. He will invest that burden in building your character. Give your burdens to the Lord to day."
Good stuff.
Another week. Gearing up for the big 90th Banana Split party for Dad on Sunday. He now knows about the surprise, thus it isn't a surprise. Some details he doesn't know.
Good day in God's House yesterday. It went by quickly.
This week am starting to go through boxes in the basement. Hope to be in a tossing away mood.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Saturday, Hmmmmm............
10,000 Crestonians Fireworks
The insurance inspector came around 10 a.m. and declared that we needed a new shingles on the entire roof. Our insurance company is one that believes in getting each claim finished at the time of inspection. He gave us a check for the job before he left. We are praising the Lord. The guy that did Dad's roof will be able to do ours when the summer days are cooler. That's fine, cause we don't have any leaks at this time. It gets so hot up there, I know, because I shingled last time in July and got overcome with the heat.
Took our dinner over to Dad's and ate there last night. Was able to get him a portable chair riser. He loves it. He helps him get out of his chair in the dinning room without putting wear and tear on this right shoulder. He can it moved down to the Activity Room when he has church service down there. I'm so glad that I found it. I was the the Medical Arts store here in town looking at a new walker for him and spied it.
Today is a bright and beautiful day with rain forecast. If it rains, I won't have to water the grass seed in the back yard.
"This is the day the Lord hath made, I WILL REJOICE and be GLAD in it." Psalm 118:24
Friday, July 4, 2008
Looking down the throat of a disgruntled Black Lab
Just got home from the 4th of July Parade. Wesley's first. Grandma Kephart and Aunt Rachael were there also. Our friend, Janet, Got cut off on the left side. There were nine of us there.
The Gates Clan advertising their sweet corn. With 2 of the gals fiddling in the back of the truck.
My Mom had a car like this. A Metropolitan.
Last night as we were walking we encountered a charging Black Lab. As I bent down to pick Benny up, I glanced up and all I could see were the 4 white "pointy" teeth in a black hole. I got Benny up and turned my back to the Lab. He was guarding his yard, and we were walking by, so he felt threatened. The owner was in the front yard and came running, got the dog in the house, and apologized. Nothing like a "buzz" of adrenaline for the system.
Had Steve and Janet over for Lunch. The Joel Wires' clan will be over for supper and then we will go to the fireworks with 4 others. We will take Wilma down to Dad's. He has a good view from his window of the Fireworks.
Happy 4th to you.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Creston, Iowa is still here
It must be Wednesday again, 'cause storms are forecast for this morning and afternoon. High winds, hail, and lightening.
We were on "Wesley Patrol" last night and he wasn't a happy camper. Just chewed and chewed on his pacifier. Teeth may be on the way.
Dad's roof is completed. Our roof is going to get a once over by the insurance man. Air conditioner decided to take a vacation. A new circuit board installed by Wires Handiman service got it going. Dirt work in the back yard is done, seed down and straw being put done as I type.
Getting ready for a "SURPRISE" 90th Birthday Banana Split Party for my dad. Also, if you are acquainted with him and want to send him a card at my address please do so. His birthday is July 14.
"Pitch your cares on the Lord. He is a good catcher.!"
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