Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Creston, Iowa is still here

It must be Wednesday again, 'cause storms are forecast for this morning and afternoon. High winds, hail, and lightening. 

Well, we've had rain, wind, and sirens. Friday night the sirens rang for straight line winds. 80 mph winds went through Omaha/Council Bluffs. The ground is so wet with moisture that trees were just falling everywhere. No real damage here. Just funny looking skies.

We were on "Wesley Patrol" last night and he wasn't a happy camper. Just chewed and chewed on his pacifier. Teeth may be on the way. 

Dad's roof is completed. Our roof is going to get a once over by the insurance man. Air conditioner decided to take a vacation. A new circuit board installed by Wires Handiman service got it going. Dirt work in the back yard is done, seed down and straw being put done as I type. 

Getting ready for a "SURPRISE" 90th Birthday Banana Split Party for my dad. Also, if you are acquainted with him and want to send him a card at my address please do so. His birthday is July 14.

"Pitch your cares on the Lord. He is a good catcher.!"

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