Thursday, July 17, 2008

This comes from Our Daily Bread 11/12/03 (condensed mew version)
Matt. 19:13-15

Statement by young mother "I wish I could wrap my children in bubble wrap to protect them from the big, bad world outside."

Author Stormie Omartian understands how that mother feels. In her book, The Power of a Praying Parent, she writes, "One day I cried out to God, saying, 'Lord, this is too much for me. I can't keep a 24-hour -a-day, moment-by-moment watch on my son. How can I ever have peace?'"

God responded by leading Stormie and her husband to become praying parents. They began to intercede for their son daily, mentioning the details of his life in prayer.

The desire to wrap our children in bubble wrap to protect them is rooted in fear, a common tendency, especially among mothers. Wrapping them in prayer, as Jesus did, is a powerful alternative. He cares more about our children than we do, so we can release them into His hands by praying for them. He doesn't promise us that nothing bad will happen to them. But as we pray, He will give us the peace we long for (Phil. 4:6-7).
This challenge is for all parents--even those whose children have grown up. Don't ever stop wrapping your children in prayer!  by Jonie Yoder

If we but take the time to pray, and seek God's guidance every day, He'll give us strength and wisdom too, to help our child grow strong and true.  Garka
Each child needs a praying parent. 

So when I e-mail my kids, I always sign the letter at the bottom, wuip iloveyou
With that in mind, I ask God to help me take the time to wrap them in prayer. 

Have a great day.

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