Hope your day was a great one in the Lord. Rejoice, He made it and will make tomorrow according to His plan.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Bad news, Frosty the snowman melted!
It is 52 degrees in northtown Creston, Iowa at 10 o'clock at night and Frosty, the snowman, has melted and gone down the sewer. There must have been some magic in that south wind that came up in the night and blew the snowpiles right down the street and into the storm drain.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas on December 20

All the family was home for a Christmas Celebration on Saturday. We only had 2 inches of ice and then some snow. Praise the Lord that the electricity didn't go off. We hit -40 wind chill Saturday night and Sunday night. It was 8 below actual temp this morning when we got up.
We had my Dad home for a few hours Saturday afternoon. He seemed to enjoy himself and it surely was fun watching Wesley open the gifts. Will have to post more pictures later.
Been so afraid that I would slip on the ice, so I did it in the house tripping over a child gate when Amber and Joel were here to get Wesley. Ouch. Amber explained to Wesley that it hurt Grandmom more when she fell cause she was "older." :-)
Got some sore muscles.
The bossman just got home and wants supper.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Afton Craft Extravaganza
6 a.m. is too early to be moving around and eating breakfast. Was about 19 degrees and a good, stiff wind blowing. Let the house late, but tried not to let it bother me, I prayed that I would get set up by 9. Well Larry and I had our van and Dad's van full, but not stuffed. The spot was smaller than I had anticipated. There were probably 60 other vendors there and the people came. First day of deer hunting so lots of women, but some guys showed up also.
For the $20 I paid for the space, I handed out 200 business cards, people were introduced to me, saw what I am capable of doing, and had a reminder to put somewhere, hopefully to pull out at a later date. God allowed me to pay for the space and then some. I was concerned that if I sold a "bunch" at the craft show, I would have to work really hard to get things ready for some open shop hours on this Friday and Saturday. Friday 4-6 and Saturday 10-1.
Today we are both tired. Larry has Deacon's meeting and I must leave for the Bible study at assisted living. Tomorrow Amber and I take Wilma to the airport and then do some shopping.
Tuesday night is the leadership dinner, as deaconess I have the privilege of taking appetizers. Wednesday night is prayer meetings. Thursday night is Circle Christmas party. Friday and Saturday are in the Flower shop, and then I have 4 missionary letters to get out this week.
The merry-go-round is going too fast.
God is good. He has given me strength to carry on thus far. I am trying to have at least 2 hours down time during the lunch hour.
Trust that your week will be great and grand in the love of the Lord.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Today was a WOW day!

Wesley and Grandmom had fun today. Nothing special, just being together, reading books, snuggling, feeding him, and praying for him as I watched him sleep in my arms. I got his Christmas stocking made so it matches his Mom and Dad's.
Cold here in SW Iowa. Snow on the ground, not much, but still there.
Tomorrow is the countdown to the Craft show on Saturday.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Some new arrangements at Just Silks

Getting ready for the craft show on the 6th of December. That's mom's birthday. Cool days and cold nights here in SW Iowa. Had a busy morning running here and there trying to track down things for Dad. God allowed me to find the forms I needed without having to search too long. Praise His name. Tuesday is Larry's Japanese call so he got home late.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Psalm 103 Praising God
My devotions took me to Psalm 103 today. I was struck by the devotional author's comment, "Do you pray to God for the sole purpose of praising Hm? You have much for which to praise Him, for His love and care never cease. He save, keeps, and satisfies you. Never take God for granted; always take time to praise Him."
Wow! How many times do I come to the Lord with a grocery list. I sat in my chair and tried to form a prayer with just praise. When you don't do it all the time, a request gets in there quite often.
We are to praise him and forget not all His benefits, and "Daily He loads us with benefits."
So what are my benefits?
a loving Heavenly Father, my Salvation, my Bible, my hubby, my family, that Dad seems a bit more relaxed at Crest Haven, friends here and there--scattered, friends that I know pray for me, a home with heat, I can breath clean air, I can get out of bed and walk around, I have food in the pantry/refrig/freezer, I have a pup that is a companion, and I have eyesight that can enjoy God's creation.
Then there are things about God that I can praise Him for,
His goodness, His greatness, His justness, His purity, His ability to not slumber or sleep, His mercy that is new every morning, His faithfulness, His sovereignty, and His power.
Now this is one moment in time that I can and have thought about this instead of having my mind crammed with other thoughts that are on the other side of the spectrum. I want to tell you that it is very easy for me to start thinking about the things that drag me into the depths of despair. Just a phone call saying that Dad needs something or has a problem. Looking at the pile of Dad's financial matters that need tending. Thinking about the things that I need to get done today and know I won't even get the first one accomplished.
When those times come I DO TRY to focus on God and not on what is before me. I may not be able to change my circumstances, BUT I CAN PRAISE THE LORD!
I have not "obtained" to any spiritual position, so don't stop praying for me. I just am sharing what I "chewed on" today.
Wendell P. Loveless wrote a song with the words to Psalm 103
"He loves, he saves, He keeps, He satisfies this longing hear of mine; He fills my life to overflowing with His joy and peace divine. He guides, He guards, He watches over me, He slumbers not nor sleeps. For He is my glorious Saviour, and He loves He saves He keeps."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday is a Wesley Day!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Need to slooooooow down.....
Trying to get the little things done in Dad's room that didn't get finished after we moved him in. He had the flu and I had a fever so things just were left hanging in mid air. Uncle Milt and Aunt Betty Ubbink were here from Sunday to Wednesday morning. The three of us were able to get a N scale train layout done for Dad's room. We moved things around so he could have it by the window. Not room for much else. Because of the way Dad had the track laid out, the train kept uncoupling. He called and said that the engine had come uncoupled and whizzed around broad-siding the rest of the train on the circle 8 track. He said there was a huge derailment. So I am taking up the job of redoing the track. So when I get done I will have to post another picture to see the progression. I have the track removed and am building a mountain landscape on the far side.
Dad thinks I'm having too much fun.
Snowflakes have fallen in Creston, Iowa. But not piled up. I am not ready for this colder weather. I don't like wearing heavy coats, but WANT to it I'm freezing.
Picture was taken by Uncle Milt.
Happy Anniversary, Larry. Tomorrow is 38 years!
Friday, November 7, 2008
My 2 little guys
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
101.1 degrees
Wow! That's hot and it makes your knee caps ache. Don't know what got into me, but something did. On Antibiotic, feeling better, but not up to par.
Dad called today and said that he had succumbed to the flu that is traveling around Crest Haven care center. Oh dear. Well at least I don't have that "kind" of flu.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
All seems well on the WESTERN front...
Wesley seems a bit on the sober side in this photo. Monday morning Joel and Amber brought him over to stay at Grandmom's for the morning. Both Wesley and Joel had on their leather coats. It was pretty "crisp" that morning and you could see your breath.
Half of the nursing home is down with the flu. Good old fashion type that cleans you out from top to bottom. They have a sign posted on the doors. Dad wanted some of his "potions" of elderberry, so I went to give him some as the doctor couldn't be reached to approve all the stuff that he takes as alternative supplements. I really lathered up on the Handcleaner when I left. Still feel polluted. Dad wanted his door kept closed so as not to get he germs in his room or the smells.
My heart tugs so, when I think of him being there, but I know that this is where God has him for right now. I am so glad that Someone is in control of things. It's best, cause He can see beyond today. Can hear Bev Shea singing that,
"If we could see beyond today, as God can see, If all the clouds were rolled away, the shadows flee, O'er present grief's we would not fret, Each sorrow we would so forget, For many joys are waiting yet for you and me.
If we could know beyond today as God doth know, Why dearest treasures pass away, and tears must flow, And why the darkness leads to light, why dreary days will soon grow bright, some day life's wrong will be made right, Faith tells us so.
If we could see, if we could know we often say, But God in love a veil does throw across our way. We cannot see what lies before, and so we cling to Him the more, He leads us till this life is o'er, Trust and obey." by Norman J Clayton
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Wery Windy Weather

Saturday was a very emotional day of moving. Dad is now in his new room at Crest Haven Care Center. His room is much smaller than his lovely room at the assisted living. He left a family of friends there, but hopefully he will make new friends. The problem with a nursing home is that there aren't many people that can carry on a good conversation. Most of them don't even know where their room is or their name.
He spent his first night there. The man from our church that was to lead the church service was unable to get there so the Home asked Dad to lead the service. He was needed. He did wake up to not having any shoes, though. Someone walked off with them. Oh, dear me. Such is life in a nursing home. Hope God takes me home before I need one.
God's strength is what I went on yesterday. We started getting Dad in the van at 1 p.m. and we got back in the van to go home at 6:30 p.m. Everything was either moved into the room, into our garage, or still in a vehicle somewhere on Maple Street or on Elm Street. There is Tomorrow.
Wery windy weather. Sixty-eight miles per hour "wooshing" down trees and power lines to the north of us. Glad we had some of Dad's trees taken down this summer.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm in denial about the weather. I am not willing to get the temperature in the house up over 68 degrees. And for me 68 degrees is feeling chilly.
Got another 24, 11 ounce containers of applesauce and have another batch all cooked up and ready to go through the sauce machine.
Took care of Wesley yesterday and he is coming today. Mom Amber is going to Des Moines to help her sister celebrate her birthday. Larry has is Japan call tonight, so Joel, Wesley, and I are going to see Dad for a 6 month 4 generation picture. Hope we get some good ones. Will share.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A TuesWednesday Rain
There is 2 plus inches in the rain gauge, but the basement seems dry. Oh I am so thankful. Our friend, Wally Miller, has been reworking the lay-of-the-land in the back yard just finished installing window well covers and Larry cleaned out the eaves. It is so wonderful not to see "wetness" in the flower shop.
Sorry, I seem so excited, but it is a big thing to me after mopping up water since February. Hmmmmm...... 3 major inflows and 5 or 6 minor one.
Dad has a pneumatic chair lifter that is portable. You can change the setting by the weight of the person. He has lost 17 pounds and I haven't adjusted the setting. Didn't even think about it. He has also lost a lot of strength also. Yesterday he was tooling along, shifted his weight, and "whooshie" he was propelled onto the floor on his back. As far as I know, God has again allowed no bones to be broken.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More flowers

This is a bouquet that was ordered 7 days ago. In and around everything that I've done in the past week, the Lord allowed me to put this together. I DO thank Him for His help.
Continue to pray as I make very important decisions about Dad's future care. Some decisions have been made, but can't say too much at this time. The Lord knows those things.
Larry and I walked in the rain last night. We both needed to get out. By the time we got home, the sky was clearing and the moon was peeking out from behind the clouds.
We then processed applesauce. Packaged up 22, 11 oz. containers.
Off to Bible Study this morning.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Just Silks
This picture is of the 5' arrangement that I am doing for a bride for October, 2009. She was here on the weekend and gave her okay to it. I have posted other shots of this, but had it all done up in a place setting, so thought that you would enjoy seeing it.
This picture is of my booth at the craft show 2 weekends ago.
These are pictures of Wesley last Thursday.
Roller Coaster Ride
Dad has had several falls, and now has 30 days to get things ready to go back to a nursing home. His ability to function in an assisted living environment is very limited at this time. I dread putting him back into a nursing home simply because in that setting, there are limited people with whom he can converse. I would appreciate your prayers.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Praise the Lord!
Phone rang at 5:13 a.m. Dad had fallen again. Praise the Lord that no broken bones. Just bruises and lame muscles. Please pray with me about Dad's situation. Do not know what faces us in the next few days. Clinging to the promise that God's faithfulness doesn't change.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hair Cuts
Last night was time for hair cuts. I cut Joel's while Amber cut Wesley's. He didn't like the buzzzzzzzing of the clippers. Later on I cut Larry's hair. I still have Dad's to do.
Wednesday night rain pattern.....
"I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever, with my mouth I will make know Thy faithfulness to all generations." Psalm 89
God's been faithful before so He will continue to be faithful today, tomorrow, and beyond. He gives us new mercies every morning, and daily loadeth us with benefits.
My dear friends moved Monday. Lonely here without them, but know that they are were God wants them. They unload their belongings into their new home in Pennsylvania.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Early Monday morning rain!
Two and a half inches of liquid dashed against the house, causing a crawling puddled to expand on the floor of the basement.
Whew! Glad I don't have to depend on my literary skills for a living. We from that first sentence you can gather what my activities included this morning. The puddles came in in an entirely different place.
Well it does give me a chance to keep the floor scrubbed and vacuumed. Basement floor scrubbing hasn't been a priority of mine lately.
Psalm 88 is supposed to be the saddest Psalm. The devotional this morning the author wrote, "What do you do on difficult days? Hold on to all that God is and all that He does. God is still working for you. All things are still working together for good. Don't turn away from Him. Wait. He will bring you out of your affliction.
When ever you experience a difficult day, encourage yourself by focusing on God's character and His attributes--power, loving-kindness, and faithfulness. Remember what He has done for you in the past. In spite of what you see around you, trust the Lord. He will see your through your affliction."
I pass that on to you.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Another week went by
This week went really fast. Let me share what happened.
Monday, Grandpa Lewis, Pastor's father-in-law was laid to rest. I had the privilege of sitting with him on Sunday mornings while Mrs. Pastor taught her Sunday School class.
Tuesday was Bible Studay in the morning. Dad fell in the early afternoon and really hasn't acted too perky since. Not sure what is going on. I have some theories, but going to leave it with the Lord. That evening Larry had a very long call to Japan for work. I went to the Rutledge's to help them pack. They are moving to Pennsylvania next " Monday. As I was going out the door I grabbed a cookie. Didn't think much about it but it was more "crunchier" than normal. Got home later and felt a large hole in my tooth.
Wednesday morning Wesley was here bright and early. I got him situated and called the dentist. Couldn't get me in until Tuesday. "Oh boy!" They would put me on a call list. I was putting Wesley in the highchair and "snap" something gave way in my shoulder. "Ouch!" I called the chiropractor for an appointment at 3 p.m. Well was putting WOW down for his nap and the dentist called, "Can you be here by 2:30?" Praise the Lord. My tooth wasn't hurting but to go 7 days I was not sure what it would be like. "Yes, I'm coming." So changed the chiro appointment. IN THE MEAN TIME, Larry left on a surprise trip to North Carolina. He took the van. Since I don't like to drive his puddle-jumper I borrowed Dad's van that Joel and Amber have been keeping (Still waiting word from the insurance company on what will happen with the damage to Dad's van), and made it to the chiropractor and got my tooth fixed.
Thursday was a day of working on Dad's financial stuff.
Friday got my hair cut and got some Grandma toys at garage sales. Larry called and said they didn't get the work done so he wouldn't be home tonight. Melissa and Andy have come in for a quick trip.
That's my week. I will say that God has been good in all these happenings. In all the 8 or 9 falls that Dad has taken in the past 2 years, He has allowed not one bone to be broken. He allowed my tooth not to hurt and that the dentist could work me in the same day. God's appointments are not disappointments. He worked out the switching of my appointments around to make them all work. He changed things so that Larry may not be home tonight, and he would have been arriving at midnight. This way he will arrive home in daylight, hopefully. He made it so I won't be alone again tonight as Andy and Melissa will be here. So I have much to praise the Lord for. Also Aunt Betty had another surgery and came through it okay.
Trust that your weekend will be great in every way as you take each step with the Lord.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
More Balloons

There were six of us that went to the airport tonight. Rutledges, Lumpkins, and Wires. I fixed baked potatoes, and Michelle brought cookies, salsa, cheese, and chips. We ate near the runway and watched the balloons come in. Then after sunset, the burners would go on in the balloons. The "afterglow" as they call it, was beautiful.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Balloons are in town! & Wesley on Tuesday
This is the weekend for the SW Iowa Balloon Races. The Hare and Hound drop place was just a block to the south of us in the old school track. We sat and watched the balloons drift over. Quite a site.
Faith had Homecoming Weekend so the kids were busy. Andy had charge of some of the goings-on there. The other set of kids went up for the banquet.
Hit some garage sales this weekend. Nothing too grand to report. Just a lovely day out. Looking forward to the Balloon Parade in the morning and hoping to see the balloons go up at night again.
Summer has come to an end so quickly. It seems that the days have just flown. Not sure that I'm ready for the cold weather. Almanac says that we are to have a record "burrrrrrry" time of it. Not sure what can top the ice, snow, and floods of '08. Don't really want to find out.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday night rain pattern.....
The Lord must have Wednesday night designated as the night for rain to begin here in Creston. It is garbage night also, but I'm sure that that isn't His priority. The roof over our bedroom just has the tar paper on it, and I was sure I was going to wake up to Chinese water torture, but God didn't allow that to happen. We are watching two storm systems that are to the West and South of us. The front half of the main part of the house still has old shingles on it. Dean wants to make sure that he can get the shingles off and the paper back on before rain would set in.
Been trying to get my house back into some semblance of order in between all the other things that are calling to me. Monday - clean bathroom, Tuesday - vacuum, etc. Well I did pretty well this week. Hope that I can keep it up. I do not like to be tied to a schedule, but that's the only way I can get things done.
Need to get some work done in the flower shop as I as to attend a Craft Show in Greenfield on October 4. Have to remember where I am, because when I was in Michigan, my uncle called on the c-phone and asked where we were, I told him Greenfield, "Where?" then I remembered Greenfield is Iowa, Greenville is Michigan.
Still traveling through Warren Wiersbe's meditations in Psalms. Yesterday it was that when things are tough, hard, stressful, and overwhelming we forget what God has done for us. Just as the Israelites forget how God LED them to safety. It's good to remember that God doesn't PUSH us through situations, He leads His dear children along.
Had a wonderful evening with my friend and classmate. We went from eighth grade through 12th grade together. Jo and her hubby, Gary Schulz, live in Midland. Then came to Bay City, 20 miles, to go to Bob Evans' restaurant with us. Neither of us are going to be able to go to our 40th class reunion next week, so we got together ourselves. Was a nicer atmosphere. They are busy in their church and working for the Lord.
We stopped at the South Haven light house on the way back. Asked someone to snap a photo and he surely did. Asked us to say "cheese" and must have clicked it just as I said it. I've never had such a "cheesey" smile in my life, no pun intended.
Have a great day, it is a good day because God created it for us.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
No, don't have to go to the doctor to take care of this type. I'm so very glad that we don't have to be up on the roof doing this. A friend from Church, Dean Johnston is taking care of re-roofing our home. It was damaged in the June hail storm. We praise the Lord that our house insurance is caring for the cost. The machine in front of the house conveniently carries the square of shingles up to the roof and saves much labor. God gave us a grand day to start this, cool, clear, and sunny.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Brother, this is what I call dedication to one's computer. The reception at Mom Wires' was not the best. All of us would be in the living room with our computers up in the air trying to catch the signal so that the web would move to the next page. Then Larry got a bit impatient, and we saw him walking up and down the street, finally selecting a spot on the curb as his place of a "good connection."
Vacation has been great. You plan, dream, and get ready just to have each 24-hour day sail by you so very fast. The 4 kids and Wesley are traveling home today. Larry and I take off for Iowa tomorrow. It will be a 11-12 hour trip. Michigan is beautiful this time of year. Some of the trees have just started to turn. The weather has been cool in the evenings and mornings with warm sun at mid-day.
It is always hard leaving loved ones. There were tears this morning as the kids left, and I know there will be tears on my face as we leave tomorrow morning. We plan to stop back through Grand Rapids to lunch with the Wanners.
Saturday is GARAGE SALE time anywhere. Yeah! Went to one of the swanky condos in Bay City. Was weird to walk in as see the palatial rooms with furniture, clothing, and nick-nacks with prices on them. The clothes were in her closets, on the bed, and in the bathroom. Shoes, jackets, dresses, and etc. just there. Man, oh, Man, designer labels coming out your ears. I found a Calvin Klein jacket with the price tag still on it. $295.00. Zowie! Coats were $20, suits were $10, and other items of clothing wer $5.00 each. Not sure whether I will keep the coat or sell it on E-Bay. (It does go well with a skirt that I got at Gently Used clothing store.)
It never ceases to amaze me the beauty of the country that God created. I am still partial to the many birch and evergreen trees with the sand hills that Michigan has. The beauty is a sight to behold. More pictures later and words later.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
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