When the sun doesn't shine things look on the dark side. But there is the promise that "Back of the clouds, the sun is always shining."
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow." - Helen Keller
Well accomplished a bit yesterday in the flower shoppe. Joel and Wesley came over after supper to help Larry move 2 metal cabinets from north and south to east and west. Then he and Wesley were going "Mother's Day Shopping." Also moved some sewing notions upstairs to clear out room for flower shoppe stuff. Seems like it all takes too much time and that there is "too much stuff."
Found this essay many moons ago, but it is a good one.
"Every Spring I start stirring in my stuff. There is closet stuff, drawer stuff, and basement stuff. I separate the good stuff from the bad stuff. Then I stuff the bad stuff anywhere the stuff is not too crowded, until I decide if I need the bad stuff.
When the Lord calls me home, my children will want the good stuff, but the bad stuff, stuffed wherever there is room among the other stuff, will be stuffed into bags and taken to the dump where all the other people's stuff has been taken.
Whenever we have company, the always bring bags of stuff. When I visit family , they always move their stuff so I have have room for my stuff. They always clear a drawer of their stuff so I'll have room for my stuff. Their stuff and my stuff--it would be so much easier to use their stuff and leave my stuff at home with the rest of my stuff.
This Fall, I had an extra closet built so I would have a place for all the stuff too good to throw away and too bad to keep with my good stuff.
You may not have this problem, but I seem to spend a lot of time with stuff--food stuff, cleaning stuff, medicine stuff, clothes stuff, and outside stuff. Whatever would we do if we didn't have all this stuff??
No there is stuff we use to make us smell better than we do. There is stuff to make our hair look good. Stuff to make us look younger; stuff to make us look healthier; stuff to hold us in, and stuff to fill us out. There is stuff to read, stuff to play with, stuff to entertain us, and stuff to eat. We stuff ourselves with food stuff.
Our lives are filled with stuff–good stuff, bad stuff, little stuff, big stuff, useful stuff, junky stuff, and every one's stuff. Now when we leave all our stuff and go to Heaven, whatever happens to our stuff won't matter. We still have the "good stuff" God has prepared for us in Heaven!" - copied
Well have a great day, and I'll travel on trying to rearrange my stuff.