Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The clock just keeps on ticking

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the clock hasn't stopped, cause that would present some different scenarios. Pastor said on Sunday that VBS was just 3 weeks away. The other craft person that works with me has a wedding in between now and VBS, some of our good workers aren't going to be available this year, and for me, it wasn't a wedding, but I've had other things that have kept me going in other directions that VBS. Just have to put things into my schedule -- make a list and stick to it.

Melissa, when she is in list making mode, always rolls her eyes at me and makes some comment about my lists. My lists made her realize that lists aren't all bad, but when your lists have other lists and those lists have lists of their own....... then I begin to spend time looking for the lists that I just had. (refer to the drawing from yesterday's entry.)

One section of the flower shoppe is inventoried. My dear friend, Janet, came to help me yesterday. She is such an encouragement to me. I will miss her when they move. Have some prayer letters to get done today, so inventory will go on the back burner.

By the way, the bedding got washed, dried, and back on the bed. Hate to keep anyone in suspense. :-)


Sarah said...

I'm so envious of your ability to "list." I can't for the life of me. It makes me feel too organized and like I can't stray from my list. BUT, I should get to it and make's fact, I have a couple made at a website...I should have wrote it down, cause I can't remember it...where you can make lists and check them off as you go. I've not been to the site for ages. :)

Sarah said...

ok...found it.

You might like this. :)