Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Okay, I did not spend ALL my time looking for this. I knew I sent it to Melissa in an e-mail. She didn't have it. So I went through my "Sent" ones, hoping that I'd come across this. I had done some e-mail house cleaning, but it finally came up. Smile with me. 

Don't know where the "spizerinctum" (good family word = get up and go) came from, before breakfast the bed is stripped, first load in washer, back room floor washed, 3 more loads sorted and piled up, and I haven't finished my breakfast.

Read some newsletters on Allergies. Says "SUPPOSED" to clean, vacuum, and dust bedrooms once a week. Yeah, Yeah! Like any normal person has time to do that. Well guess anything that you are "passionate" about, when you put it in your schedule, you accomplish it. 

Guess the same goes for things of the Lord. If we - I - am passionate about my Lord then I won't have a problem finding time to spend with Him and His love letter.

A sunny start to the day has turned to gray. Gonna remember the "Son"shine today.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I JUST got an email w/ that picture in it the other day. It's cycling!