Monday, May 12, 2008

Cool Monday

Early morning doctor's appointments are getting to me. Today it was Benny's turn. Needed to have a liver function check. His levels are down, but not enough to stop the medication. If one pill a day along with a special mix of squash, cottage cheese, egg, and oatmeal keep him frisky and loving, I'll do it. 

Had a good time with Joel, Amber, and Wesley yesterday at lunch. Larry played for Dad's afternoon Church service, then Larry had Deacon's meeting. I got Dad for Church and then got him back in time for the eye doctor to take a look at his eye. I called because there seemed to be too much bright red to his eye. All okay.

Monday is back to Japan call for Larry so he won't be home until 8:30 or so. Long day. 

Been fighting with my computer over quality of photo files on screen. They were looking terrible. Getting ready to do a missionary prayer letter. Finally in frustration, I called Joel. Bless his heart, he has patience with his mother. I thank the Lord for my two kids that made me a mother and for their spouses. 

Must get back to my work in the basement. Have one corner looking better. I know why one has to do inventory. Not just to count the beans, but to get everything back in order so you know where to find things. Hmmm........

Saw something that says that we spend 75% of our time looking for something we "just" put down. Boy, that's the truth.

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