Friday, May 23, 2008

God's Band

I have a problem calling thunder, lightening, wind, and rain a symphony. Anyway, God's band got together early on this morning. I woke up hearing it off in the distance and it was interesting as it came closer and closer. There were several percussion bangs accentuated with flashes of light on the darkened shades. I never like the wind blowing unless it's in the dead of winter. Guess being on scene of destruction of a tornado just hours old as a child, still has an affect on me. Only got three quarters of an inch out of all that noise.

So then what do I do with the verses that talk about God being a refuge. Well that must something on which I need to work as well as run to. The last week been in Psalm 46,47,48. Emphasis on refuge and praising God. Goes back to Sunday's message thought, "The absence of complaining is Joy." "When I complain I've not yielded to the Master's will."

Well I couldn't go back to sleep this morning, so I started down my mental prayer list. Prayed for each of my 4 kids and 1 grand-Wesley. By that time, I guess I drifted off again. Well, I prayed that they would have good work days and get there safely.  Then just finished up with the rest of the list. 

My Dad had a better day yesterday, he said. Not in so much pain. My Aunt Betty had a rough Wednesday night as she was in the ER again. But all is better now and things have settled down. Continue to pray that she will regain strength, have a better appetite, and that digestive functions will resume in proper fashion.

ONLY 5 garage sales today. Well I need to make a sample bridal boka today for an appointment that I have on Monday. So maybe I'll have time to work on it.

"I'm so blessed, I can't be depressed."

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