Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday at Last!

Well overslept to start things off. Got up and Larry called. He's been in Mexico all week. Its 6 a.m. out in San Diego. He got up at 4 to get to the airport on time. Much like Tuesday morning when he left. Up at 3:30 to get to Omaha by 7. Oh me. So am in a rush. 

Forgot to mention---- Larry's car was in a string of 13 that got stopped at the Border coming back across. Guess they had some sort of thing-ma-bob that went along side the car and x-rayed the contents.  An experience.
There are two columns of Garage Sales listed today. Going to get my hair cut and fussed with this morning so won't be able to rush right out there. Fiddlesticks.

After supper went to Dad's to show him some flower arrangements I had completed. He has his first pastel drawing finished. Looks good. He is planning another. 

Last evening went for a walk with Benny and he was panting hard. It is lots warmer and he still had his winter coat of hair on. Came home, clipped him,  and gave him a bath. So he is good for another month. Looks like he went on a diet. Maybe the scales will be lighter after I get my hair cut today. Will have to check. 

Have a great day in the Lord!

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