Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weed & Feed plus

Weed & feed is on, or getting on. The dew had left some of the yard, so I walked ahead of Larry and sprinkled on some moisture with a mix of Basic H so the weed and feed would stick. Now I itch. The pollen count is 10.4 on 12 point scale. 

Now down to more serious business. There are 4 garage sales to go to. Then comes the laundry, deep house cleaning, and other fun stuff that needs to be done. First things first, though.

Baked some oatmeal cookies yesterday. They only have 24 calories each. Been watching the calorie count lately. Then baked 5 loaves of no-yeast bread. Boy it tasted good right out of the oven. 

Off to my adventures for the day. 

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